LAHP will begin accepting application for the Homebuyer Assistance Program (HAP) on November 15, 2017. This is a program that provides deferred payment, non-amortizing loans for down payment and selected closing costs. Call Steve Brugger at LAHP (662-8918) for application material and program details, and for further explanation of the program. Also, you can download the application and checklist below.
A brochure that summarizes the HAP is included below:
Application and checklist for the HAP can be downloaded here:
Homebuyer Assistance Application
Application Checklist
Note Mortgage that secure the loan provided under the HAP can be downloaded here:
HAP Promissory Note_v12.13.17
HAP Mortgage_v12.13.17
The LAHP in partnership with Los Alamos County has created the following Polices and Procedures, which provide administrative guidance for the program. The Policies and Procedures are included below: